Practitioner Shares @ Tribe

On the second Monday of each month Reiki channels gather at Tribe to share hugs, stories, intentions and Reiki. There are several regulars who greet each other as old friends, and one or two new souls we all enjoy meeting and incorporating into the group. In September Astera Manis brought her Biofield Viewer so we could see pictures of our energy fields. Good stuff!

We begin in circle with introductions and a special topic for discussion. All eyes were on Astera as she explained the Biofield technology and answered questions from the crowd. 

We took turns getting photographed with the Viewer as Astera carefully logged the images. 

The colors and patterns can be interpreted to reveal information about an individual's health and wellbeing. If you're interested in finding out more about the Biofield Viewer, get in touch with Astera at Silver Star Reiki

Then we broke into pairs and small groups to share Reiki. It's always fun to work with a new partner, experience what they have to offer and learn new techniques. 

Thanks Astera and gang for another enlightening night of Reiki! If you're a Reiki channel and you'd like to receive invitations to our events, join our Meetup Group. See you next month!