Our First DuPage County Stand Down

While I've been offering Reiki to veterans with groups of volunteers since 2011—to rave reviews—there's still some push back in the western suburbs. So we were happy to be invited to participate in the second annual DuPage County Stand Down, and I was happy to have three enthusiastic volunteers join me.

It was a trek out to the fair grounds in rush-hour traffic, but we didn't mind. 

There are so many service providers all there to serve vets and network with others serving vets. It's a warm fuzzy atmosphere. 

It was a much smaller event (100 attendees) than we're used to at Jesse Brown (900 attendees). We were able to work on more than 25% of the folks there, including some Hines VA staff! 

The folks manning the Oak Park Vet Center booth next to ours got turns. Check out their "Ask me about my Reiki session!" stickers.  =0)

We dined like queens with Greek pasta salad, roasted asparagus quinoa salad, rosemary crackers, goat cheese (with herbs from Ann's garden!) and fruit for dessert. 

Big thanks to rookie Julie Puls, and regulars Ann Torp and Kate Schoonover. Always a pleasure to spend a day with Reiki volunteers!